Scientific Principle

A Technical Discussion of the Science Behind Detoxination

Liberation of fat-stored toxins begins with an unusual property of niacin (vitamin B3) which sets up a condition in the body called rebound lipolysis. To understand this concept, it is necessary to explain “lipolysis”.

Lipolysis is the action of breaking down fat reservoirs of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol for mitochondria to convert into ATP energy. During this process small quantities of xenobiotics are released from the fat cells along with the free fatty acids (FFAs) into your bloodstream and interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. 

This is why you may feel nauseous or have headaches when exercising or doing other strenuous activities―a buildup of toxin-laden lactic acid is flowing throughout your body.

lipolysis illustration
Free Fatty Acids, Glycerol, and Toxins Mobilizing

When niacin is consumed at levels above 500 mg, lipolysis is depressed for up to 3 hours while the niacin dose is metabolized. Once niacin is no longer suppressing lipolysis, the body is able to resume energy production. Studies have shown that this restart produces a spike in the amount of measurable free fatty acids which lasts approximately four hours, as shown below. The spike produces 4x normal FFAs, and this translates to approximately 200% more toxin mobilization than normal lipolysis.

illustration of rebound lipolysis

The next step in the Protocol begins 2.5 hours after ingesting niacin, and it involves 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise to push the mobilized toxins to the dermis layers (directly under the skin). 

Exercise is followed by several sauna cycles lasting 30-45 minutes of infrared sauna or 15-20 minutes of dry sauna heat stress.

liberation of toxins illustration
Approximately 200% increase in toxin mobilization!
cutaway of skin illustration
Sebaceous glands attract mobilized lipophilic xenobiotics.

Far infrared saunas are preferred for their ability to generate sebaceous sweat more efficiently. The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum that moistens hair follicles and skin, and it is through this sebaceous sweat that toxins are eliminated.

While most of the mobilized toxins are excreted via sebaceous sweat, some will permeate the lining of the GI Tract. To prevent these toxins from overwhelming the liver and kidneys, binders such as activated charcoal and micronized zeolite are consumed. These binders mop up toxins and allow them to readily pass through the detoxification pathways and out of the body in the urine and feces.