
Predicting the onset of disease

Elevated oxidative stress (OS) is well known to be a direct cause of disease! What is oxidative stress? When oxygen carrying molecules have an uneven number of electrons, they are calle...

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Apeel: A Deep Dive into the Controversies Surrounding the Produce Coatin

Introduction As someone deeply involved in the field of human detoxification, I have watched with growing concern the widespread use of Apeel Sciences Edipeel™ (labeled as Apeel), a s...

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The Hidden Impact of Endocrine Disruptors on Adrenal Fatigue and the Det

Exploring Adrenal Fatigue in the Context of Xenobiotics and Detoxination® In today’s fast-paced world, many people experience persistent fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and a myria...

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Making Informed Produce Choices: PLU Codes, Pesticides, and Detoxificati

Understanding PLU Codes and Their Importance When shopping for fruits and vegetables, you may have noticed small stickers on the produce with a series of numbers. These numbers are know...

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What’s Behind The Alarming Rise in Chronic Diseases?

In the last three decades, we have witnessed a dramatic increase in various chronic diseases. Data show staggering rises in conditions such as ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, diabe...

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Hot and Cold: Unlocking the Surprising Benefits of Contrast Therapy

Exploring the Dual Power of Sauna and Ice Bath Therapy: Enhancing Your Detoxination Program Delve into the transformative practice of contrast therapy, which utilizes the powerful effec...

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Addressing Concerns: The Safety of Niacin in Therapeutic Detoxination

Recent studies, including a notable paper published in Nature Medicine, titled A terminal metabolite of niacin promotes vascular inflammation and contributes to cardiovascular disease r...

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Unveiling the Health Implications of Metal Implants

In the realm of modern medicine, metal implants, from dental amalgams to orthopedic screws, have become commonplace solutions to a myriad of health issues. However, recent findings by D...

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A Holistic Approach to Mental Health in a Toxic World

In today’s rapidly evolving world, our mental health is under siege, not just from the stresses of daily life but increasingly from the invisible threat of environmental pollutant...

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Reversing Diabetes with Detoxination: A Holistic Journey to Wellness

In the face of a burgeoning global diabetes crisis, Type II Diabetes emerges not just as a health challenge but as a pivotal battlefront in the quest for wellness. Amidst this scenario,...

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